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Expat Life

  • Life in London: September and October 2018

    Life in London: September and October 2018
  • bon vivant on a budget: G&T Happy Hour

    It started with a Tweet. This Tweet: Gin the name of #love ❤️Gin O’Clock all day on the 14th Feb at Brindisa Soho, all gins 8.5 with complimentary picoteo of manzanilla olives. — Brindisa (@Brindisa) 9 February 2017 I admired these gin and tonics because of their beautiful garnishes… but…

    A Weekend in Luxembourg City

    In the weeks leading up to our move abroad, I had this vague image in my mind of what our weekends away would look like. In my imagination, we’d book £10 RyanAir flights on a whim to some random location we’d always dreamed of seeing, but never thought we’d actually visit. We’d…

    Vianden Castle

    Our day wandering around Luxembourg City felt like something out of a fairytale. Then we arrived in Vianden. It was cold and grey, but there was something so beautiful and magical about this little town, nestled in the rolling hills of the Luxembourg countryside, below the beautiful Vianden Castle. As we approached, equally…

    Black Rock Bar London

    I’ll state the obvious – London is a huge city. With so many people and so many places to go, dine, learn, etc. London is a city where there may just be something for everyone. If you happen to be a whisk(e)y lover, that place is Black Rock. I figured somewhere…

    Tromsø Norway Travel Guide

    Tromsø, Norway is one of the most breathtaking places I’ve ever been. This little island city nestled between fjords over 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle is vibrant, cosmopolitan and bustling despite its freezing temperatures and remote location. Tromsø is an excellent and incredible welcome point into all that…

    Northern Lights Chasing in Tromso

    Because I am so passionate about the Northern Lights, this has become a long post. I’ve added subtitles to break it up if you’d rather skip reading me waxing poetic about my dream of seeing them. I’ve included why we chose Tromsø, why I chose the tours I chose, what…

    Everything You Need to Know About Cell Phones When Moving from the US to …

    Having just returned from the US, my experience navigating what the heck to do about my cell phone when moving to London is top of mind. For future expats, especially those moving from the US to UK, I have some tips that made the transition for me much easier. For my…